Saturday, February 20, 2010


As we have learned about the pituitary gland, this is a small bean-shaped gland at the base of our brain and located posterior to our nose and ears. This tiny little gland is responsible for secreting nearly every hormone that has an influence on our body. These hormones that are secreted by the pituitary help regulate important functions such as blood pressure, growth, and reproduction.

In Hypopituitarism, their is a short supply of some of the hormones that are secreted by the pituitary, or sometimes their is NO supply of one or more of the necessary hormones. This malfunction will produce disorders in what the hormones normally regulate such as the above mentioned of growth, BP, and reproduction. Hypopituitarism is a rare disorder and will need the treatment of medications throughout the duration of your life should you be affected.

So what triggers or causes Hypopituitarism??

Hypopituitarism is most commonly triggered by tumors of the pituitary gland. These tumors can grow in size and start to compress the tissues of the pituitary which in turn cuts off the secretion of hormones. Hypopituitarism can also be caused by malfunctions of the hypothalamus that is located just superior to the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus also produces hormones that have an effect on the pituitary gland.

Other common causes could include:
Head injuries
Brain tumors
Brain surgeries
Genetic mutations resulting in imparied production of the hormones

So what does the person experience as far as symptoms??

Their can be many symptoms associated with Hypopituitarism that can occur spur of the moment or have a gradual onset. The severity of the symptom or reason for particular symptoms depends on the particular hormone that is deficient.

Symptoms include:
Low tolerance of stress
Loss of underam or pubic hair
Loss of appetite
Muscle Weakness
Weight loss or gain
Low BP
Thirst and excess urination

Children may experience: stunted growth, short stature, and slowed sexual development.

How can Hypopituitarism be treated??

If the Hypopituitarism is caused by a tumor, than the tumor would be surgically removed. Another common treatment is hormone replacement medications. Common medications include: Corticosteroids
Growth & sex hormones


Chapman, I. (2007). Hypopituitarism. Retrieved February 20, 2010 from

Google image. Retrieved February 20, 2010 from

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